Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Welcome everyone to Joseph William's Corner; a place to relax and share any thoughts, ideas, or concerns along the lines of personal development and childcare issues. My current project is an ebook, which is soon to be released, addressing strategies on communicating with defiant children about challenging subjects. Learning to talk to kids about sensitive issues can feel like pulling teeth at times. But "getting our own act together" and having a viable game plan is always more advisable than just "winging it". At least it's a heck of a lot more pleasurable.

In the close to twenty (20) years of work in residential and family settings, I continue to learn and grow with every contact with every child. Approaching our interactions with our children with an open mind is paramount to dealing effectively with integrity and truth. Establishing rapport and trust is the key to making a difference.

Feel free to suggest any topics you wish to see covered in my book, and upcoming workshops. Although this ebook will establish a strong foundation for parents and workers in the field, let me know if there are any particularly urgent issues that you wish to be addressed in more detail.

Also within the next week or two I will have a Free Email Series covering some of these fundamentals. I will also sprinkle in a few antidotes from working in the trenches over the years, that I think you will find both useful and entertaining.

That's it for now. Embrace the Moment!


Joseph William